Best Scale Software Quality Information

Before being able to measure, one has to define what is to be measured...

Software Scale bases its definition of software quality on the ISO/IEC 9126 quality model, thus distinguishing internal quality, external quality and quality in use. SCALE, Software Scale Quality framework, focuses on the first part of the model which specifies six characteristics for internal quality:

Software Quality according to ISO/IEC 9126

The quality improvement process then consists in:

Defining a set of constraints that will allow reaching a satisfying level for each of the six characteristics.

Verifying whether these constraints are satisfied.

Defining, planning and taking corrective actions to meet the constraints that are not satisfied.
Tracking the actual execution of these actions, measuring improvements and re-assessing the relevance of the quality objective profile.

It should be noted that the requirement in terms of quality level may vary according to the activity sector, the criticality of the application, the cost/time constraints and the technology used to develop the software, thus resulting in varying and optimal quality objective profiles.

Best Scale Software Quality Information

Such a quality improvement process is fully supported by SCALE. Indeed, it integrates with best-of-breed specialized static analyzers which focus on one or several quality characteristics and generate the most complete sets of data. Then, thanks to a consistent measurement model that assesses the data produced by the static analyzers, it provides a higher level and unified reporting and a single issue tracking environment.

Scale is based on both its own analyzers and on commercially available ones for the C, C++, ADA and Java programming languages. It records data provided by the analyzers in a central database and then produces indicators by applying its rules for measuring quality. A set of 50 rules are pre-defined within Scale and its users may create easily their own sets of rules. Scale also allows developers to check on the fly whether their code meets the standards of quality specified for the project. They may thus validate it before checking into configuration management.

SCALE Analysis Module - Identifying the sources of non-compliances

Scale issue tracker allows users to follow the evolution of identified non-compliances. These non-compliances are generated automatically during each analysis and may then be prioritized by a team leader or software quality experts. The developers are thus guided in their work to improve software quality.

SCALE Issue Tracker Module

Finally, thanks to its portfolio reporting module, Scale provides managers with a level view of the evolution of software quality on a cross projects level. They may thus make informed decision on processes and resources.


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